Enlightened Heart was born out of a passion to spread love and hope, to empower those in underprivileged areas, and to provide as much clean water as possible. We have a large focus in Africa, where clean water is needed in most communities. Through different fundraising opportunities, and the help of loving donors like you, our mission can continue!
This reality was once just a vision, but having the belief in that vision, is what led us here today. “Remember Who You Are,” is a slogan I implore all people, young and old, to explore. You are a powerful source of spirit, universal love in the flesh; remembering that opens the door to not only conscious awareness, but the acceptance of our boundless potential. A potential we want to remind everyone they have inside of themselves. 💫
Enlightened Heart is new, but already very mighty! We are partnering with East Africa Angels, an organization run by, Sam Childers. We plan to accompany them to Africa in August 2024, to see, firsthand, the power and affects of love, and donations. Sam has been rescuing children in Africa for over 25 years, a true inspiration to all!
We hope to continue to grow and partner with organizations striving to better the world through love, light, and lasting change.
All you need is love..
Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.
Isaiah 58:10 NLT
Our Mission
Clean water is something everyone deserves! One of our initiatives is to fund (and dig!) a water well in Africa when we travel there with East Africa Angels in August 2024. The $10,000 stainless steel, water well, built to guarantee bacteria -free water, will effectively serve 1200 people for 10 years. After that, only small modifications, such as replacing the pump/handle, would need done to ensure water accessibility continued.
By coming together, we can make a big difference! We all have the power to change the world, with one loving act at a time. With a little belief and gratitude, and a whole lotta love, the world can be a better place for our children.
Join us on our mission in supplying the children of Africa with clean water, and the comfort in knowing that there are people around the world that love them, and want to see them thrive! That is our true mission, to show the greatest number of people how much we love them by providing them with clean, drinking water. We hope you will also see the importance of this, and donate to our cause. We appreciate you!
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. - W. H. Auden
Our Vision
Our vision for the future is one where every child has access to clean water. We live in a world with endless abundance; by joining forces for the greater good, we can leave the world a little better place than we found it. In the words of, Mother Teresa, "Do ordinary things with extaordinary love."